
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Are open relationships the new happily ever after?

Two new romantic comedies set to hit theaters in 2011 are curiously similar in that they both have the same plot. Films, No Strings Attached and Friends with Benefits are transforming the structure of the typical romantic comedy.
Both films surround about friends who decide to take their relationships to be the next level by adding a physical aspect to their relationships without the commitment. But their plans are ruined when they discover the true feelings they have for one another.
No Strings Attached stars Ashton Kutcher (Killers) as Adam Kurtzman and Natalie Portman (Black Swan) as Emma Franklin.  Friends with Benefits stars Justin Timberlake (The Social Network) as Dylan and Mila Kunis (Black Swan) as Jamie.
Web users have noticed the common thread between the two yet to be released comedies and have begun discussing which one they would rather watch. One user said,” Both movies have basically the same plot with male leads that don't match up talent wise with the actresses. I am looking forward to No Strings Attached more than Friends with Benefits but will probably end up watching both.”
Others disregarded Friends with Benefits because of Timberlake’s singing career, despite his critically acclaimed performance in his most recent film The Social Network, chronicling the creation of the famous social networking site, Facebook. “They both sound terrible but if I had to watch one it would be No Strings Attached. I can't take Ashton seriously anymore and Justin Timberlake will always be a singer to me,” said another user.

Other users disagreed stating that Friends with Benefits seems like a much funnier comedy. “I just think the trailer looks funnier and more to my taste. And it seems to look like Justin Timberlake is finally getting naked. This will be heaven for many women and many of us gay men!”

In my opinion, "Attached" film seem to have more depth and will draw in an older audience while "Benefits" will no doubt brings in the young crowd it’s aiming for.
No Strings Attached hits theaters first on January 21st and Friends with Benefits will be released on July 22nd.

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