
Sunday, March 6, 2011

'Transformers' Director Admits the Film Was Awful!

Director of the three Tranformer movies, Michael Bay, admitted during an interview with Empire Magazine that he thinks the second installment of the series was awful.

Michael Bay & Shia LaBeouf on the set of Transformers 2

"We made some mistakes. The real fault was that it ran into a mystical world. When I look back at it, that was crap. The writer's strike was coming hard and fast. It was just terrible to do a movie where you've got to have a story in three weeks," Bay said.

The film franchise's star, Shia LaBeouf, has also admitted in the past to being less than happy with the outcome of the second Transformers film, but this is the first time Bay has spoken about being unsatisfied with the flick.

Speaking about your own movie in a bad light may seem like a risk especially with their third installment Tranformers: The Dark Side of the Moon being released July 1, but this is actually a good move for the filmmaker. Audiences are going to remember how bad the second film was and many may choose to skip out on seeing the third, but by Bay acknowledging his faults, fans may give the new film a chance.

Let us know in the comment section below:
Are you planning on seeing Tranformers: The Dark Side of the Moon?

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