
Friday, October 1, 2010

Are you Waiting for 'Superman'?

The shocking promotional poster that shows a young girl at a desk with her hand raised in the air in the midst of destruction around her is a metaphor for what the buzzed about documentary Waiting for 'Superman' topic covers. “The fate of our country won't be decided on a battlefield, it will be determined in a classroom” is the tag-line for the film, created by David Guggenheim, who is best known for his previous eye-catching documentary An Inconvenient Truth which centered around the global warming issue. The film, which has yet to be released in theaters, is already generating Oscar buzz for its timely and sensitive topics.

The promotional poster for Waiting for 'Superman'

The film, centers around the idea that our children are our future and not statistics of the school system, they're people. Five public school children are the main focus in the film, all of whom are enrolled in elementary schools who are failing, which leaves them little chances for a bright future.

A touching moment in the trailer shows the group of young students waiting with their parents for their lottery number to be called so that they can attend a particular school. An eruption of tears and heartbreak are shown as the result for those whose numbers were not chosen.

The film touches on the topics of overall fairness in our public school system and what the right to an education really means in today's society when the problem lies within the quality of the teacher and the decreasing school budgets and not the child's ability to learn.

Al Gore with David Guggenheim after an Oscar win for their documentary, An Inconvenient Truth
Guggenheim is hoping that the documentary will open the eyes to those who are in control of our public school systems and encourage them to send for help from 'Superman'.

Waiting for 'Superman' is opens in limited release on October 8th.

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